Our continuous monitorings provide you with well-structured data and information on issues that are relevant to you, at regular intervals. The report is compact, to the point and comes at the frequency you need. This allows you to keep an eye on all relevant developments and react to emerging trends at an early stage.
We match the underlying sources to suit the intended purpose: from regional to international, from competitor websites to specialised portals and publications by political institutions. We rely on the experience of our research analysts to precisely select and evaluate the results – this care is reflected in the quality of the monitorings and enables us to also find relevant content beyond the usual keywords.

Here you can find some of our services:
- Market Monitoring: Our research analysts monitor market and industry news for you in all relevant media and identify reports and information that are important to your company, your objectives and your particular market situation. This also provides you with the right basis for trend analyses.
- Competitor Monitoring: We help you to keep an eye on your competitors and show you which strategic decisions are being made or which new products are being launched on the market.
- Stakeholder Monitoring: No company operates independently of the outside world. The variety of opinions especially regarding large-scale projects can be complex and change quickly. Various stakeholders from politics, interest groups or the media can suddenly gain influence. We keep an eye on opinions and public messaging or events/actions and we identify correlations.
- Policy Area Monitoring: Politics are constantly evolving. Social discussions lead to political initiatives, which then make their way through parliamentary bodies. Initiatives may be discarded for a moment, only to be put back on the political agenda later on. With our political and regulatory monitorings, you stay abreast of issues that can be crucial when it comes to critical topics such as energy politics or IT security.