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Submitted by silke.kleinhan… on
City cycling in Munich – Content5 cycles along!

July 2024

The majority of the Content5 team cycle to work, so it was only right that we entered a team in this year’s city cycling campaign, “Stadtradeln”. This was our first time participating, and our six participants cycled under the team name “C5 radelt”, between June 17th and July 7th. Together, they covered 1,065 kilometres, placing 507th out of a total 760 teams in Munich. 

As our team was quite small, lets place our results in direct comparison of the other participating six-person teams. Here, our achieved total kilometres placed us in the middle of 45 participating six-person teams, at 24th position. With 194 logged rides, we are also proud to have placed 6th in this cohort.

Even though our team members achieved a great result, we see some room for improvement for Content5 – we are looking forward to motivating more of our team to join us in next year’s Stadtradeln and, of course, achieve better results with a larger team.

Moving away from our performance statistics and the leaderboard, we noticed a positive impact on our interest and motivation for cycling through participating in this campaign. On top of that, we were able to see the actual impact our cycling made towards climate protection: Content5’s participants avoided 176.8 kilograms of CO2 in their effort. These results are even more impressive when put in the context of the city’s total effort during this campaign. According to calculations made by Stadtradeln, 18,552 participants in Munich covered over 3.4 million kilometres over three weeks and were able to avoid 567 tons of CO2 emissions. We think this is a great personal motivator and a good reason to cycle more often!

Six people riding bicycles in front of a wall with graffiti